Architectural design
We provide architectural design services for any property – from private homes and townhouses to shopping and business centers.
The basis of the architectural project of our studio is a combination of customer’s ideas about ideal forms and strict adherence to established building standards
and safety rules.
The basis of the architectural project of our studio is a combination of customer’s ideas about ideal forms and strict adherence to established building standards
and safety rules.
- Technical task
Technical task Formation of the customer’s wishes about the parameters of the future object in the format of the technical task, indicating the functional requirements, the number of rooms,
the choice of general style. Analysis of the land and permits. - Эскизный проект
Включает в себя поэтажные планы, схемы фасада, вертикальные разрезы здания. Creating realistic facade images using 3D-visualization. Note: the stage lasts until the result is fully consistent with the wishes of the customer. - Рабочий проект (АР, КР, ВК, ЭО,ОВ)
Calculation and execution of all architectural and design decisions based on the sketch design approved by the customer. Preparation of documentation necessary for the start of construction work. - Author’s supervision
Architectural supervision of the construction includes field visits, consultations and monitoring of compliance with the project, if necessary, making adjustments to the working drawings.
- Эскизный проект
Планировочные и фасадные решения.
Включенная документация:
1. Пояснительная записка
2. General plan
3. Floor plans
4. Architectural solutions of the facade
5. Sections of the future residential building
- Рабочий проект
Working documentation for builders.
Documentation Included:
1. Explanatory Note
2. General plan
3. Floor plans with the explication of premises
4. Display facades
5. Colored 3D renderings of the house
6. Cuts
7. Masonry plans for construction
8. Detailed drawings of all nodes
9. Window and door specifications
10. Drawings of the foundation, roof and other structural elements